in Portfolio

Provider Day-Planner Redesign

Design Lead: Troy Frost

All of the in-home Health Evaluations are performed on an iPad using our own software. The user and business demands evolved over time, and we found ourselves in a 5-pounds in a 3-pound bag situation.

The new design provided the opportunity to transition to a Swift UI based Design System, as well as address a multitude of user and business needs. The redesign of the Day-Planner view allowed Providers to be better prepared for their visits, and be more clinically valuable while in the Member’s home.

The original design of the Evaluation form was cracking under the pressure of advancing clinical needs.

The updated Design and Content strategy improved data quality and increased Provider and Member satisfaction.

User & Business impact:

  • Realtime feedback on required questions reduced needed clarifications by
  • SwiftUI-based design system reduced development time
  • UX Consistency across all question types reduced time-on-page
  • Reduced the effort to add new questions to the form